Brand Promise
“Meat Perfection defined”
A globally renowned premium meat enterprise.

To produce premium meat and related products sustainably for the global market in Collaboration with all players in the Value Chain.
Core Values
Customer focus and Consumer Satisfaction
Caring towards our people
Team work
Sense of urgency
Courage for change

Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) was established on the 24th December 1965 by an act of Parliament to promote the country’s beef and related products globally. In the early years of Botswana’s development as an independent nation, beef export was the only foreign exchange earner. Although beef is no longer the largest earner of foreign exchange, it remains vital to the economy as it has different impacts on the rural population who rely on farming for their livelihood.
A critical part of the strategy development process was assessing changes in the internal and external strategic environment to ensure that the strategic plan is aligned to the changing conditions that the Commission operates in.
In the external environment, the most significant changes result from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the continuing decline of the cattle herd in Botswana and the consumer trends. Although most of the changes happening in the external environment presented a negative outlook for the Commission, some opportunities can be leveraged, including the adoption of technology to increase efficiencies on the BMC plants.
The strategic foundations present the core of the strategy and define what BMC is doing (mission) and where it is trying to go (Vision). The Commission defines its mission as ‘To produce premium meat and related products sustainably for the global market in collaboration with all players in the value chain’. The Vision is to become a globally renowned premium meat enterprise.